Is This You?

They Never Listen!

Lunch is ready! Get dressed for school! Do your homework! Tidy your room! Get ready!

Or a hundred other things they igonore on a daily basis!

What if there was a way to make they listen and respond, make them focus on your words FIRST TIME - EVERY TIME?

What's inside

Listen For Your Safety

Listen For My Sanity

Listen For Success

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There is a way!

I've spent over 48 years in martial arts, with 23 of those working with children and now working with over 100 current children in child development .

Let me tell you how old school Discipline methods don't work, they didn't work for me, they didn't work for you, they won't work for your little one.

So what works? PLEASE !

In my programme, I'll explain why old school discipline has the exact opposite effect your looking for. Plus! I'll go over new school methods, that helps your child become a first time listener. Working on their cognitive load through fun and games, it will not only blast your childs focus and listening ability to that next level. But add a level of connection between you and your child you've only seen in the movies.


Use the exact methods we use here at our child development center, in your own home. 8 easy to follow skills that will take you through how we manage behaviours using our unique skillz teachings.

With drills for each skill to use at home.